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About tlstones

The Mission

We are committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching, preaching, singing, and lyrical expressions. We will remain dedicated to the local church, to the universal assembly of believers, and to living a lifestyle that is pleasing to God and free of iniquity. We are actively bridging gaps between race denomination, ethnicity, and social status. We refuse to allow cultural restraints and the traditions of men to keep us from fulfilling the call of God on our lives. 

The History
The four men that makeup the worship-rap group, The Lively Stones, have been together since 2006. Quamid Green, Jeff Trimble, and Tim Williams met at Augusta State University, and they began ministering together at churches, youth events, and other various God-glorifying events, while the fourth member, Jonathan was introduced to the group through friendship and church membership with Quamid. From the beginning, the group set out to operate as an arm of the church by winning souls to the lord and strengthening the faith of those that have become a part of the body of Christ. Prior to 2011 the group released a three song demo No Weapon, which was received favorably and has had their listeners anticipating a full length project. The project that fans have been expecting was released on August 6, 2011 and is entitled "This Means War". Besides the vocal artists, there are several other individuals that work behind the scenes to make The Lively Stones what it is today: a movement of God. The group has recently launched its own record label, Jah Records, which they pray will operate as a catalyst and conduit for the Worship of Jesus Christ by exposing other gifted artist who desire to bring God glory.

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